Sunday, May 18, 2008

My First Post


Why are we having so much issues & problems in the world today?
- Global warming, Cruelty, Recession, War, Population growth, Food & Water shortages...Why WHY, why?

Let us find the solutions. Build the rules for the new world. Better world.
I invite all the thinkers, to add your thoughts here.

- Single Currency for Entire world. 1-1 conversion. All countries are equal.
- Vegetarian and Non-cruel life. Respect for nature and its all creatures.
- Green life-style. Sharemarket can become a tool for green investment.
- Solar/Wind energy for Electricity and Transport
- Less Population
- Grow and increase forests cover.
- Close all the dirty businesses. Following dirty industries must collapse and disappear. Mining, Meat, Leather, Petro-chemicals, Nuclear, Tree-logging & Pulp-mills, Gun, Fishing.....
- Develop the new world-religion, world-order based on LOVE, RESPECT FOR NATURE, PEACE, DISCIPLINE, MEDITATION, NON_CRUELTY principles.

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